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Puppy Hiccups After Eating? Everything You Need To Know!

Puppy Hiccups After Eating? Everything You Need To Know!

Synne Hemsen Berg Synne Hemsen Berg

Hello dear dog lovers! At Nala Health, we’re not just passionate about creating nutritious dog food; we’re also dedicated to helping you understand every quirk and question you might have about your furry friend. And one of the most adorable, yet puzzling, things many puppy parents notice is the sudden onset of hiccups. Why do these little bursts of sound happen, and should you be concerned? Let’s dive in!

puppy hiccups

Causes of Puppy Hiccups

Excitement: The world is such a vast playground for your puppy, filled with intriguing smells, sights, and sounds. Their sheer excitement and wonder can sometimes manifest as hiccups. While it’s a delightful sight to see them so joyful, remember that these hiccups will typically fade as they calm down. The same way human hiccups can sometimes be triggered by excitement or sudden changes in temperature, dogs, both puppies and adult dogs, can experience hiccups when they’re overwhelmed with joy or curiosity. Just think about the last time you saw a puppy chasing its tail or barking at its reflection; all these discoveries can alter a dog’s breathing pattern, leading to hiccups.

Eating and Drinking Habits: One of the most common triggers for puppy hiccups is their enthusiasm at mealtimes. We get it; Nala Health’s dog food is pretty irresistible! But when puppies gobble down their meals or slurp their water too quickly, they might swallow air along with their food. This excess air creates pressure on the diaphragm, leading to those pesky hiccups. And if you’re feeding them dry food, the expansion in their little tummies can further irritate the diaphragm. If this sounds like your pup, consider trying a slow feeder designed to slow down their eating.

Physiological Theories: Ever wondered if hiccups serve a purpose? Some researchers theorize that mammals, including puppies, hiccup as a form of practice for breathing while in the womb. So, those little hiccups might just be a sign of your pup’s developmental journey!

puppy with hiccups

Sneezing vs. Hiccups: Sometimes, what looks like a hiccup is actually a sneeze. Puppies are curious creatures, often sniffing around and potentially inhaling irritants. This can cause a quick inhalation that might resemble a hiccup. If you’ve ever noticed your dog’s chest moving in a rhythmic manner, you might initially confuse it for hiccups. However, upon closer observation, you might find that your puppy is sneezing repeatedly. This is especially common when a dog eats something that irritates its throat or nose.

Chronic Hiccups: While occasional dog hiccups are nothing to worry about, persistent hiccups can be an indication of underlying health issues and warrant a visit to the vet. Always keep an eye on your pup and ensure they’re comfortable and happy.

Remedies for Puppy Hiccups

Calming Techniques: Every puppy parent wants their little furball to be comfortable. If your puppy’s hiccups seem to be causing some discomfort, try a gentle approach. Lay your puppy on its back and gently stroke its belly. This soothing motion can often help calm those tiny hiccups away.

puppy hiccups

Hydration: Just like us, drinking water can be a simple remedy for dog hiccups. Offer your puppy a bowl of fresh water. The act of drinking can help reset the diaphragm and might just do the trick in stopping those hiccups.

Feeding Solutions: We’ve mentioned earlier how fast eating can be a hiccup trigger. Consider looking online for special food bowls to prolong feeding time – it could help set a healthier pace to get rid of dog hiccups. This can be a game-changer if your puppy often gets its hiccups post-meal.

Distraction Techniques: Sometimes, all it takes is a little distraction. Let your puppy lick on a spoon with some peanut butter– just make sure it’s unsweetened and salt-free. This simple act can divert their attention and, before you know it, those hiccups might just disappear.

What to Avoid: While we all love seeing our pets happy, there are some hiccup remedies that are best avoided. For instance, it might be tempting to give your pup something sweet like honey, but this isn’t ideal for their health. And while it might sound fun, scaring your puppy to rid them of hiccups isn’t recommended. Always choose remedies that prioritize your pup’s well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Puppy Hiccups

  • Do adult dogs get hiccups as often as puppies? While hiccups are more common in puppies due to their exploratory nature and developing systems, adult dogs can also get hiccups. However, it’s generally less frequent in mature dogs.
  • How are dog hiccups different from human hiccups? The mechanism of hiccups is quite similar in dogs and humans. In both, a sudden contraction of the diaphragm causes the sound. However, while human hiccups are often related to specific triggers like spicy foods or carbonated drinks, puppies might hiccup from excitement or rapid eating.
puppy hiccups
  • What should I do to prevent hiccups in my dog? Ensure your dog eats and drinks slowly, provide ample opportunities for calm play, and reduce potential stressors in their environment. Regular check-ups at the vet can also help identify any underlying causes that might trigger prolonged hiccups.


Hiccups in puppies are one of those quirks that remind us of their playful and innocent nature. While they’re generally perfectly normal and harmless, it’s good for pet owners to be informed about their causes and remedies. At Nala Health, we’re not just about nourishing your pets with quality dog food; we’re here to guide pet parents through every step of your journey. Remember, a dog’s hiccups are just another part of the adventure.

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